Prof. Dr. Konrad Duden

Prof. Dr. Konrad Duden


Bürgerliches Recht und Internationales Privatrecht
Burgstra?e 21, Room 3.25
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35231
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31135230

Prof. Dr. Konrad Duden

Prof. Dr. Konrad Duden

Institute Head

Institute for Foreign and European Private and Procedural Law
Burgstra?e 21, Room 3.25
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35231
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31135230


Konrad Duden is Professor and Director of the Institute for Foreign and European Private and Procedural Law. He studied chemistry and law at the Universities of Munich, Heidelberg and Bilbao. 

After completing a Master's degree at the University of Cambridge, he received his doctorate from the University of Heidelberg in 2015. His award-winning dissertation dealt with Surrogacy in Private International and Procedural Law. Konrad Duden completed his legal traineeship with stations at the Federal Constitutional Court and the European Commission, among others. 

For his habilitation thesis on the significance of digitalisation for property law Konrad Duden received the Science Award by the Deutsche Stiftung für Recht und Informatik. In 2022 he also received the Kurt-Hartwig-Siemers-Prize of the Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung. Since the winter semester 2022/2023 he has been professor at the University of Leipzig.

Professional career

  • since 04/2023
    DirectorInstitute for Foreign and European Private and Procedural LawUniversity of Leipzig, Germany
  • since 02/2023
    Full ProfessorChair for Private Law and Private International LawUniversity of Leipzig, Germany
  • 12/2022
    Call to a professorship for Private law and Digitalisation at the Europa-Universit?t Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder); call declined
  • 04/2021 - 01/2023
    Temporary ProfessorChair for Private law and Private International LawUniversity of Leipzig, Germany
  • 09/2016 - 12/2022
    Senior Research FellowDepartment Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult Jürgen BasedowMax Planck Institute for comparative and international private law, Hamburg (on leave after 04/2021)
  • 11/2012 - 08/2016
    Junior Research FellowDepartment Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult Jürgen BasedowMax Planck Institute for comparative and international private law, Hamburg
  • 04/2011 - 08/2011
    Junior research fellowChair of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas PfeifferInstitute for comparative law, conflict of laws and international business lawUniversity of Heidelberg, Germany
  • 08/2008 - 03/2011
    Student assistantChair of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas PfeifferInstitute for comparative law, conflict of laws and international business lawUniversity of Heidelberg, Germany


  • 07/2021
    Habilitation; University of Hamburg, GermanyTopic: digital possession; Venia legend: private law, private international law, international civil procedure, civil procedure, comparative lawSupervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult Jürgen Basedow
  • 02/2015
    Doctoral degree, University of Heidelberg, GermanyTopic: surrogate motherhood in private international law and international civil procedureSupervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Erik Jayme
  • 08/2014 - 08/2016
    Legal traineeship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court HamburgDegree: First State Examination in LawClerkships i.a. at the German Federal Constitutional Court (chambers of Prof. Dr. Gabriele Britz) and the European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, Civil Justice
  • 09/2011 - 06/2012
    Study of law, University of Cambridge, United KingdomDegree: Master of Laws
  • 09/2007 - 06/2008
    Study of Law, Deusto University in Bilbao, SpainDegree: diploma in international and European law
  • 10/2005 - 07/2011
    Study of law; University of Heidelberg, GermanyDegree: First State Examination in LawSpecialisation: private international law and international civil procedure

Panel Memberships

  • since 01/2022
    Member of the International Society of Family Law
  • since 01/2022
    Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Federal Association of German Civil Status Registrars (BDS)
  • since 01/2021
    Member of the German Society for International Law
  • since 01/2021
    Member of the Association of Teachers of Private Law
  • since 01/2021
    Member of the European Association for Private International Law
  • since 01/2017
    Member of the Academic Association for Family Law
  • since 01/2017
    Member of the German Family Court Conference
  • since 01/2017
    Member of the European Law Institute
  • 01/2016 - 12/2020
    Member of the Young Academy of the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz
  • 01/2018 - 12/2022
    Member of the "Future Faculty" of the research network "Law in Context" at the Humboldt University of Berlin
  • Duden, K.; Wiedemann, D.
    Changing families, changing family law in Europe
    Cambridge: Intersentia. 2024.
    show details
  • Duden, K.
    Concluding Remarks
    In: Duden, K.; Wiedemann, D. (Eds.)
    Changing families, changing family law in Europe. 2024: Intersentia. 2024. pp. 339–357.
    show details
  • Duden, K.
    Digital repossession als friedliche Eigenmacht: US-amerikanische Lehren für die Zul?ssigkeit digitaler Funktionssperren
    Zeitschrift für Europ?isches Privatrecht (ZEuP) . 2024. pp. 21–43.
    show details
  • Duden, K.
    Vorschlag der Kommission für eine neue Verordnung zum Internationalen Abstammungsrecht vom 7.12.2022 (COM[2022] 695 final) – Stellungnahme des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats des BDS
    Das Standesamt (StAZ). 2023. pp. 141–143.
    show details
  • Duden, K.
    Verantwortungsgemeinschaft: Regelungsvorhaben und rechtsvergleichende Impulse
    Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht (FamRZ). 2023. pp. 1838–1847.
    show details

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