Dr. Gilad Ben-Nun

Dr. Gilad Ben-Nun

Research Fellow

Global and European Studies Institute
Emil-Fuchs-Stra?e 1, Room 2.10
04105 Leipzig


I'm a Senior Lecturer at Leipzig University’s Global & European Studies Institute , and a Senior Researcher at the Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe), researching and teaching the History of International law, Migration Studies, and Jewish-Muslim relations. A former EU - Marie Curie Individual fellow (Verona University’s law faculty 2016-2018), a former Ford Foundation Research Fellow at UNIDIR (2001-2002), my first monograph (Bloomsbury 2017) was nominated for the 2017 US National Jewish book award. From 2020-2021 I served as the Guest Professor for Israeli Studies at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, and from 2021-2022, as the Alfred Grosser Chaired Professor at Sciences Po in Paris. I hold a Habilitation and a PhD from Leipzig University, with undergraduate degrees from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. My recent article 'How Jewish is International Law ? ' received the Spotlight Award of the Journal of the History of International Law for the year 2021.

Professional career

  • 09/2020 - 08/2021
    Guest Professor for Israeli Studies - LMU Munich
  • 09/2021 - 08/2022
    Alfred Grosser Chaied Professorship - Sciences Po Paris
  • 01/2001 - 10/2002
    FORD Foundation Research - United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
  • 11/2002 - 03/2009
    Middle East Program Officer - UNDP / War-Torn Societies Project
  • 09/2016 - 08/2018
    EU Marie Curie Individual FellowVerona University Law Faculty
  • since 03/2020
    Senior Researcher/ Senior Lecturer - University of Leipzig


  • 06/2019 - 07/2020
    Habilitation - Global Studies / Leipzig University, Germany
  • 04/2012 - 02/2015
    PHD - Global Studies / Leipzig University, Germany
  • 09/1999 - 10/2001
    MA - History / Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
  • 09/1995 - 09/1999
    BA - History/ Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

Panel Memberships

  • 01/2019 - 12/2022
    Executive board member: Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (one of the 13 German Federal PhD support scholarship organizations under the German Federal Ministry of Education and research
  • since 10/2023
    Member of the PhD commission - Faculty for Social Sciences and Philosophy - University of Leipzig
  • Ben-Nun, G.
    How Jewish is International Law?
    Journal of the history of international law. 2021. 23 (2). pp. 249–281.
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  • Ben-Nun, G.
    The Fourth Geneva Convention for Civilians: The History of International Humanitarian Law - paperback
    London: I.B. Tauris - Bloomsbury Books. 2021.
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  • Ben-Nun, G.
    Seeking Asylum in Israel: Refugees and the History of Migration Law
    London: I.B. Tauris. 2016.
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  • Ben-Nun, G.
    The British-Jewish Roots of Non-Refoulement and its True Meaning for the Drafters of the 1951 Refugee Convention
    JOURNAL OF REFUGEE STUDIES. 2015. 28 (1). pp. 93–117.
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  • Ben-Nun, G. (Ed.)
    Reimagining Security Communities Systems Thinking Approach for Africa - Paperback
    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 2022.
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more publications

  • Gastprofessur: Alfred Grosser Chaired Professorship - Sciences Po Paris
    Ben-Nun, Gilad (Global and European Studies Institute)
    awarded in 2021 by Fritz Thyssen Stiftung.
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  • Publikationspreis: Spot Light Award for Best Article of the Year
    Ben-Nun, Gilad (Global and European Studies Institute)
    awarded in 2021 by Journal of the History of International Law.
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  • Gastprofessur: Guest Professor for Israel Studies
    Ben-Nun, Gilad (Global and European Studies Institute)
    awarded in 2020 by Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
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  • Publikationspreis: US National Jewish Book Award
    Ben-Nun, Gilad (Global and European Studies Institute)
    awarded in 2017 by Jewish Book Council .
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more awards

  • The Israeli-Arab Conflict as the Standard-Setter for the Law of International Organizations

    This course examines the historical evolvement of International Organizations: UN, ICRC, UNHCR, ICC, ICJ, & UNESCO. Since 1945, the Arab-Israeli conflict has served as the “laboratory” for the development of International law, faced with a “series of firsts”, brought about the confrontation in Israel/ Palestine. This course provides both regional information on the middle east, and substantive information on the history of these International Organizations.