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PD Dr. Franziska Naether


Goethestra?e 2
04109 Leipzig


Egyptologist, Museum curator, Digital Humanist with a focus on religion and literature in classical Egyptian, Graeco-Roman, and Late Antique Periods (texts and material culture, analogue and digital) with deep professional experience in research, museum and library management, teaching, and academic administration. Significant experience working with scholars, students, stakeholders (foundations, state and private institutions, publishers, media etc.) and the public in Europe, USA, Africa, in profit- and non-profit sectors of various budgets. Fluent in German (mother tongue), English, and French. Published author on ancient Egyptian religion, literary texts, editions of Egyptian, Greek and Coptic texts, exhibition catalogues and conference proceedings. Head of several DH projects with ca. 40 employees. Currently wrapping up the project “Digital Rosetta Stone” and finishing a monograph on Egyptian cult practices.

Professional career

  • 12/2004
    Award of the Faculty of History, Arts and Oriental Studies (now GKR), Leipzig for excellence during the study course and for the master thesis
  • 01/2005 - 09/2009
    PhD fellow of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Hanns Seidel Foundation (returned), the Albertus Magnus Verein
  • 11/2005 - 08/2008
    research associate for the project ?Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Graeco-Roman Egypt“ (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Sofja-Kovalevskaja-Award project of Prof. Mark Depauw) in Cologne and Leuven/BE creating the database "Trismegistos". I was responsible for "TM Magic" (religious and magical texts in all languages and religions), school texts and literary texts.
  • 09/2009 - 04/2019
    ?akademische Assistentin“ (ass. prof.) at the Egyptological Institute/Egyptian Museum, Leipzig University; tasks: research, teaching, directing an Egyptological library, organizing scholarly and public events and curating exhibitions, working for the academic administration, fundraising, corresponding with media, research cooperations
  • 03/2010 - 04/2011
    research associate in the project ?Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in Coptic“ (DDGLC, DFG)
  • 09/2010 - 08/2012
    PostDoc fellow of the Robert Bosch Foundation, Fast Track
  • 05/2013
    Dr. Walther Liebehenz-Award ?für hervorragende Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der ?gyptologie und Koptologie und die Dissertation“ (for excellence in Egyptology and for the dissertation)
  • 01/2013 - 12/2014
    Fellow of the KOWA mentoring program at Leipzig University
  • 08/2015 - 08/2016
    on sabbatical for the academic year at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW), New York University for further work on the Habilitation thesis ?Cult Practices in Ancient Egyptian Literary Texts – Phenomena and Functions“ as fellow of the Volkswagen Foundation (and further funding from the US)
  • 03/2017
    visiting assistant professor the Department of Ancient Studies, Stellenbosch University/South Africa, as fellow of the Erasmus + program
  • 11/2017 - 05/2018
    on sabbatical for 6 months as visiting assistant professor the Department of Ancient Studies, Stellenbosch University/South Africa, as fellow of the European Union, Programm EUROSA
  • since 01/2020
    since 2020 senior research associate (tenured) at the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities Leipzig, team of ?KompetenzwerkD: Saxon Research Centre and Competence Network for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage“ with numerous research projects


  • 05/2004
    Magister (M.A., grade 1.1; Master thesis summa cum laude)
  • 07/2009
    PhD in Egyptology (summa cum laude, opus eximium); title of the dissertation: ??Du wirst deine Geliebte heiraten, aber es wird dir leid tun‘ ? Probleml?sungsstrategien im r?mischen ?gypten nach den Sortes Astrampsychi und den Ticket-Orakeln“ (??You will marry your girlfriend, but you will be sorry‘ – problem solving strategies in Roman Egypt with the Sortes Astrampsychi and the ?ticket‘ oracles“); Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert (Leipzig), Prof. Dr. Mark Depauw (KU Leuven)
  • 04/2021
    Habilitation, ?Kultpraxis in alt?gyptischen Literatur– Ph?nomene und Funktionen“ (?Cult Practices in Ancient Egyptian Literary Texts – Phenomena and Functions“) about all cult practices (rituals, divination, magic, etc.) mentioned in ancient Egyptian literary texts (Middle, Late Egyptian and Demotic)

Panel Memberships

  • since 05/2023
    Member of the Minerva Center for the Relations between Israel and Aram in Biblical Times (Leipzig und Bar-Ilan University, Israel, Max Planck Society)
  • since 09/2023
    Member of the advisory board of SAVE - Sicherung des Audiovisuellen Erbes (Safeguarding Audiovisual Heritage, SLUB Dresden)

Egyptologist, Museum curator, Digital Humanist with a focus on religion and literature in classical Egyptian, Graeco-Roman, and Late Antique Periods (texts and material culture, analogue and digital) with deep professional experience in research, museum and library management, teaching, and academic administration. Significant experience working with scholars, students, stakeholders (foundations, state and private institutions, publishers, media etc.) and the public in Europe, USA, Africa, in profit- and non-profit sectors of various budgets. Fluent in German (mother tongue), English, and French. Published author on ancient Egyptian religion, literary texts, editions of Egyptian, Greek and Coptic texts, exhibition catalogues and conference proceedings. Head of several DH projects with ca. 40 employees. Currently wrapping up the project “Digital Rosetta Stone” and finishing a monograph on Egyptian cult practices.

Find out more about my work, publications and outreach activities here: and here:

  • Digital Data in Egyptology
    Naether, Franziska
    Duration: 01/2011 – 12/2016
    Funded by: Haushaltsmittel (TG51, Overhead)
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: ?gyptologie
    show details
  • Cult Practices in Ancient Egyptian Literature
    Naether, Franziska
    Duration: 09/2015 – 08/2016
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: ?gyptologisches Institut
    show details
  • Digital Rosetta Stone Project
    Naether, Franziska
    Duration: 10/2017 – 09/2018
    Funded by: BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: ?gyptologie; Digital Humanities
    show details
  • Digital Rosetta Stone
    Naether, Franziska
    Duration: 10/2017 – 09/2018
    Funded by: Andere ?ffentliche Bereiche; BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: ?gyptologisches Institut; Digital Humanities
    show details
  • EUROSA fellowship: Cult Practice in Ancient Egyptian Literary Texts
    Naether, Franziska
    Duration: 11/2017 – 05/2018
    Funded by: EU Europ?ische Union
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: ?gyptologie
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more projects

  • Naether, F.
    Ancient Expats? Wise Women and Witches in Egyptian Literary Sources
    In: Berlejung, A.; Grohmann, M. (Eds.)
    Foreign Women – Women in Foreign Lands Studies on Foreignness and Gender in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East in the First Millennium BCE. Tübingen: Morh Siebeck. 2019. pp. 223–235.
    show details
  • Brose, M.; Dils, P.; Naether, F.; Popko, L.; Raue, D. (Eds.)
    En Détail – Philologie und Arch?ologie im Diskurs, Festschrift für Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert
    Berlin; Boston: DeGruyter. 2019.
    show details
  • Naether, F. (Ed.)
    New Approaches in Demotic Studies Acts of the 13th International Conference of Demotic Studies
    Berlin: de Gruyter . 2019.
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  • Naether, F.
    Die Sortes Astrampsychi : Probleml?sungsstrategien durch Orakel im r?mischen ?gypten
    Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 2010.
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  • Naether, F. (Ed.)
    Cult Practices in Ancient Literatures: Egyptian, Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman Narratives in a Cross-Cultural Perspective. Proceedings of a Workshop at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York, May 16-17, 2016
    Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University
    New York: New York University, open access. 2020.
    show details

more publications

  • Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: Theodor-Litt-Preis
    Naether, Franziska (?gyptologie)
    awarded in 2018 by Vereinigung der F?rderer und Freunde der Universit?t Leipzig e.V., Theodor-Litt-Gesellschaft e.V..
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  • Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: Forschungsaufenthalt in Stellenbosch, Südafrika (Nov 2017-Mai 2018) am Department for Ancient Studies
    Naether, Franziska (?gyptologie)
    awarded in 2017 by EUROSA-Stipendium der EU.
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  • Invited lectures: visiting assistant professor am Department for Ancient Studies, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
    Naether, Franziska (?gyptologie)
    awarded in 2017 by Erasmus+.
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  • Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: Fellow der VolkswagenStiftung als postdoc am Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW), New York University
    Naether, Franziska (?gyptologie)
    awarded in 2015 by VolkswagenStiftung.
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more awards

  • ?gyptologisches Institut
    South Africa, Egypt, Greece, Rome: Classical Confrontations
    Start Date of Collaboration: 01/07/2017
    External participating organisations: Universit?t Stellenbosch (Stellenbosch, South Africa)
    Involved persons: Naether, Franziska; Cornelius, Izak; Masters, Samantha; Jonker, Louis C.
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  • ?gyptologisches Institut
    Cult Practices in Ancienf Egyptian Literary Texts
    Start Date of Collaboration: 31/08/2015
    Ended on: 31/08/2016
    External participating organisations: New York University (New York, United States)
    Involved persons: Naether, Franziska; Bagnall, Roger S.
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more cooperations

  • Workshop
    Cult Practices in Ancient Literatures: Egyptian, Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman Narratives in a Cross-Cultural Perspective (ISAW, New York, NYU)
    Event Organiser: Naether, Franziska
    16/05/2016 – 17/05/2016
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  • Workshop
    Alternativen zur prek?ren Besch?ftigung an deutschen Hochschulen und zum Strategietreffen der Gründung eines bundesweiten Netzwerks von Hochschulinitiativen, Leipzig
    Event Organiser: Naether, Franziska; Yendell, Alexander; Riemer, Thomas; Dobstadt, Michael
    20/01/2017 – 21/01/2017
    show details
  • Konferenz
    13th International Conference for Demotic Studies, Leipzig
    Event Organiser: Naether, Franziska
    04/09/2017 – 08/09/2017
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more events

Since 2009, I have taught each semester, mostly in Leipzig and Stellenbosch and occasionally in the UK and the US. My classes are in German and English, covering a wide range of topics in Egyptology, Classics, Museum Studies and Digital Humanities. In 2011, I started a MOOC and from 2017, I contribute regularly to the syllaboi of Sunoikisis Digital Classics.

I have also helped to create an overview about studying Egyptology and served in the PONS Archaeology program facilitating student exchange in archaeology and various Ancient Studies disciplines. I do accept interns, BA, MA and PhD students for select topics.

More about my teaching (full list of lectures and seminars) and videos of classes:

  • Teaching Activities

    complete list:

    WS 2023-24: Egyptology and Digital Humanities in 4 chapters (bloc seminar in 4 days)

Research fields

Higher education policy, Egyptology


  • Papyrologie
  • Antike Kulturen
  • Digital Humanities
  • Hochschulpolitik

Contact for media inquiries

Phone: +49 341 97-37146
Fax: +49 341 97-37029