The General Staff Council contains of 19 permanent members and was last elected by the employees of Leipzig University in 2019.

Permanent members

 Kerstin Backhaus

Kerstin Backhaus

Representative of the group of employees

Theologische Fakult?t - Institut für Kirchengeschichte

Telephone: +49 341 97-35430

 Stefan Bernhardt

Stefan Bernhardt

Representative of the group of employees

Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversit?tsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-33109

 Thomas Biermann

Thomas Biermann

Representative of the group of civil servants

Zentralverwaltung, Gruppenleiter Zentrale Dienste (vollst?ndig freigestellt für den Personalrat Hochschulbereich)

Telephone: +49 341 97 - 30070
Telefax: +49 341 97 - 30079

Dr. Robert Benjamin Biskop

Dr. Robert Benjamin Biskop

Representative of the group of employees

Fakult?t für Sozialwissenschaften und Philosophie - Institut für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft / Zentrum für Lehrer:innenbildung und Schulforschung (ZLS)

Telephone: +49 341 97-37828

 Imre B?sze

Imre B?sze

Representative of the group of employees

University Computing Centre (URZ)

Telephone: +49 341 97-30371

 Christoph Eisfeld

Christoph Eisfeld

Representative of the group of employees

Universit?tsrechenzentrum (URZ)

Telephone: +49 341 97-33373

 Claudia Erdmann

Claudia Erdmann

Representative of the group of employees

Dezernat 4 / SG 43 - Innerer Dienst

Telephone: +49 341 97-31038
Telefax: +49 341 97-30099

 Daniela Gloger

Daniela Gloger

Representative of the group of employees

Dezernat 4 / SG 44 - Kaufm?nnisches Geb?udemanagement

Telephone: +49 341 97-31006
Telefax: +49 341 97-31179

 Ronny Heilmann

Ronny Heilmann

Representative of the group of employees

Dezernat 4 / SG 43 - M?belb?rse

Telephone: +49 341 97-31031
Telefax: +49 341 97-34109

 Fanny Jentzsch

Fanny Jentzsch

Representative of the group of employees

Department 1 / Research Funding Advice

Telephone: +49 341 97-35005

 René Münzner

René Münzner

Representative of the group of employees

Dezernat 4 / SG 43 - Innerer Dienst

Telephone: +49 341 97-31038
Telefax: +49 341 97-30099

Dr Henry Ottilie

Dr Henry Ottilie

Representative of the group of employees

Veterin?rmedizinische Fakult?t / Institut für Pharmakologie, Pharmazie und Toxikologie

Telephone: +49 341 97-38440
Telefax: +49 341 97-38439

 Diana Pa?lack

Diana Pa?lack

Representative of the group of employees

Fakult?t für Chemie und Mineralogie

Telephone: +49 341 97-36013
Telefax: +49 341 97-36099

 Katrin Peretzki

Katrin Peretzki

Representative of the group of employees

Dezernat 5 / SG 52 - Zahlungsverkehr, Finanz- und Bilanzbuchhaltung

Telephone: +49 341 97-31103
Telefax: +49 341 97-31043

 Veit Polowy

Veit Polowy

Representative of the group of employees

Zentrum für Lehrer:innenbildung und Schulforschung (ZLS)

Telephone: +49 341 97-30485
Telefax: +49 341 97-30489

 Erik R?tzscher

Erik R?tzscher

Representative of the group of employees

Dezernat 4 / SG 41 - Bereich Betriebstechnik Naturwissenschaften

Telephone: +49 341 97-34401
Telefax: +49 341 97-34499

 Maria Schnabel

Maria Schnabel

Representative of the group of employees

Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversit?tsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-33247

 Birgit Ziegler

Birgit Ziegler

Representative of the group of employees

Personalrat Hochschulbereich

Telephone: +49 341 97-30070
Telefax: +49 341 97-30079

The Board of the General Staff Council was elected by the members of the General Staff Council at the constitutional meeting. In addition to the chair and the vice chair, three other members belong to the board.

Current board members are:

Imre B?sze
Phone: 97-30371 / 30370, Email

RAI Thomas Biermann
Vice chair
Phone: 97-30070, Email

Dr Henry Ottilie
Board member (1st deputy)
Phone: 97-38440, Email

Birgit Ziegler
Board member (2nd deputy)
Phone: 97-30070, Email

Kerstin Backhaus
Board member (3rd deputy)
Phone: 97-35430, Email

Substitute members of the General Staff Council become active when permanent members are unable to carry out their staff council duties due to a temporary absence. They move up as permanent members when staff council representatives leave.

Current substitute members are:

  • Dr Silke Graf-von Sonntag
  • Fanny Jentzsch
  • Ralf Moros
  • Matthias Rabe
  • Martina Schmidt
  • Doreen von Oertzen Becker