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This year’s Nobel Prize in Medicine goes to Professor Svante P??bo. This was announced by the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute yesterday (3 October 2022) in Stockholm. P??bo is a director at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and honorary professor at Leipzig University.

In its justification, the Nobel Committee stated that his seminal research had given rise to the new scientific discipline of ‘palaeogenomics’. In this research discipline, scientists are concerned with the analysis of genetic samples from fossils and prehistoric finds. In 1997, P??bo was also the first researcher to sequence the genome of the Neanderthal.

“What wonderful news! On behalf of Leipzig University, I warmly congratulate our honorary professor Svante P??bo on winning the Nobel Prize,” said Rector Professor Eva Inés Obergfell in an initial reaction. “P??bo founded a new discipline with palaeogenomics. He has also cemented Leipzig’s reputation as a city of science both nationally and internationally, for example by giving lasting impetus to the development of biotechnology in Leipzig.”

The Swedish scientist has been Honorary Professor of Genetics and Evolutionary Biology at Leipzig University since 1999. He is now one of 20 renowned researchers who have been closely associated with the University through study, research or teaching and have been honoured with Nobel Prizes in the categories of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature or peace.