“The best decision of my life”, “an unforgettable experience”, or perhaps even “a great complement to my studies” – we are confident that you will never forget a period abroad during your days as a student. So it is high time you went off on your own adventure abroad. With a little planning, you can integrate a period abroad into your standard studies and have foreign credits recognised back in Leipzig. So what are you waiting for? Carpe diem!

enlarge the image: Mann, der auf Stadtplan schaut
Photo: Unsplash

When is it best to go abroad?

We recommend a semester abroad during the fifth semester of study of a bachelor’s programme and the third semester of study if you are a master’s student. The seventh semester is suitable if you are enrolled on a State Examination or Diplom programme. More detailed information can be found in your study regulations. The Student Advisory Service can help you to decide on the right time for a semester abroad.

Our tip: Find out about the required language skills, the procedure for having Leipzig University recognise the credits you acquire abroad, and applying for leave semesters.

How long can I spend abroad?

That’s up to you! As a rule, you study abroad for one or two semesters. We recommend an entire academic year abroad. Study abroad can also be combined perfectly with an internship in a foreign country.

Can I take a leave semester?

You can apply for up to two leave semesters for study purposes. One major advantage for you of taking a leave semester is that you can have your academic achievements abroad recognised by Leipzig University. Applying for leave semesters is particularly advisable if you receive BAf?G, because leave semesters do not count towards your standard period of study.

What if going abroad prolongs my studies?

There is no reason to regard extending your time at university due to a period abroad as a disadvantage. Your experience abroad will help you immensely in your personal development and will be valuable for your future. Spending time abroad can also be highly beneficial to your professional career.

What about going abroad after my degree?

Even as a graduate, you can apply for a range of funding options, even if they are more limited than for enrolled students.

Find out more about the various funding options here and start your international adventure after graduation.

Student mobility to the surrounding countries of Ukraine and Russia

Please follow the travel and security advice of the Federal Foreign Office and stay in close contact with the partner university.

World, here I come!

Before you arrive

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During your stay

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After your stay

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