Date/Time: to
Type: Lecture, Presence
Location: Institute of Biology

Brain Dynamics Graduate School, Institute of Biology and Graduate Aacademy Leipzig cordially invite you to the Summer Symposium:

  • Dr Shiqiang Gao
    Department of Neurophysiology, Institute of Physiology, Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg
    "Optogenetic tools for research and clinical trials: recent progress and considerations"

    21st August 2024, 15:00
    Institute of Biology - Kleiner H?rsaal, Talstra?e 33, 04103 Leipzig



Optogenetic manipulation of cells or living organisms became very successful in neuroscience, especially with the introduction of the light-gated ion channel Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) as an easily applicable tool. The optogenetic toolbox was then expanded with the application of earlier discovered and characterized photoreceptors, engineered photoreceptors or new photoreceptors from nature. The functions of the optogenetic tools expanded from membrane potential and ion flux manipulation to mediating second messengers cAMP/cGMP and protein interactions etc. The application field of Optogenetics also developed from neuroscience to a much broader biological research area. Recently, optogenetic approach was also clinically applied for partial recovery of visual function in a blind patient. 
Our group focuses on improving different ion-transporting Channelrhodopsins, photoactivated adenylyl cyclase, enzyme rhodopsins and light induced dimerization system for various optogenetic applications. Collaborating with researchers from different fields, we are applying optogenetic tools in different biological systems such as Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, rodents and model plants. In this report, I will present our recent progress in the development of optogenetic tools and considerations for optogenetic clinical applications.

Short Bio:

Dr. Shiqiang (pronunciation: schi-tschang) Gao is now a Group Leader at the Physiology Institute of University Wuerzburg. His research focused on studying photoreceptors and engineering optogenetic tools to apply them in different biological systems. Dr. Gao has a research background in molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics. He obtained Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Biology in China. After that, he worked for two years as a research officer at the National University of Singapore. In 2015, he obtained his PhD degree with Prof. Georg Nagel in the field of Optogenetics, there he characterized the first rhodopsin with 8 transmembrane helices and showed light-activated cGMP production. Later, he brought the all-trans-retinal production into plant and thus facilitated functional expression of microbial rhodopsins in plants. He has optimized and engineered optogenetic tools for cAMP, ions and pH mainipulation. Based on the research with photoreceptor and optogenetic tools, he has have established broad collaborations with international researchers from Germany, US, UK and China, and produced a number of peer-reviewed publications. In this talk, he will introduce recent discoveries about optogenetic tools related to research and clinical applications.


Dr Gao CV
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