Zeichnung: Menschen laufen über den Campus und in Gedankenblasen stehen Begriffe (Separater Raum, Schreibzeitverl?ngerung, Hilfsmittel, Pausen in Prüfungen, Sonderstudienplan)

Compensation for disadvantages. For equal opportunities.

Information on hardship cases and the compensation for disadvantages at the Leipzig University for prospective students, students and employees due to disability, chronic illness, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or family responsibilities.

Disabilities and Chronic Illness

A disability or chronic illness should not stand in the way of required achievements. The recognition of hardship cases and the compensation for disadvantages ensure equal opportunities in access to studies, in studies and in examinations.

Zeichnung: Viele Menschen stehen im Paulinum und zeigen stolz ihr Zertifikat.

The content always remains the same!

The compensation of disadvantages is central to a study program based on equal opportunities. In individual cases, the study or examination conditions are modified. However, only the framework conditions are changed and not the content of the examination or the course of study. The required performance always remains the same for all students!

Maternity leave and family

Family responsibilities, pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding must not lead to disadvantages. Hardship cases and the compensation for disadvantages ensure equal opportunities.

Simple Language

Zeichnung: Laptop, Duden und Kopfh?rer

Simple language

The texts in simple language are available in German simple language. Simple language is for people who have problems with difficult texts. This can be, for example, students who are just learning German.