Are you interested in queer topics or perspectives? We, employees of the Leipzig University, have founded the Network 2021. The network is open to all employees and trainees of the Leipzig University. We are a constantly growing group and meet regularly either online or in person.The next meetings are planned for the following dates:

Thursday, 15 August 2024, 6 pm

  • Register now using the form below and receive all further info by email!


  • Community
    Whether it's the International Day against Homo-, Bi-, Inter- and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), Christopher Street Day Leipzig (CSD Leipzig), themed events, film evenings or barbecues together in the city park - Join us!
  • Networking
    Get to know other networks and support services. We are networked with state and nationwide initiatives, counseling centers and associations that are committed to social diversity.
  • Support
    Discrimination still exists in the workplace as well as outside the university. You are not alone! The network enables an exchange of experiences about suffered discrimination and possible options for action.
  • Notes on confidentiality
    Your e-mail address is stored in encrypted form and protected with a secure password. The subject of the e-mails is always worded neutrally.

Newsletter registration – queer – Network for employees

Bitte geben Sie Ihre Uni-Mailadresse an.
Hiermit erkl?re ich mich mit der Erfassung meiner Daten zum Zweck der Anmeldung zum Newsletter und der Zusendung der Zugangsdaten zu den (Online-)Veranstaltungen von ?queer – Netzwerk für Mitarbeitende“ der Universit?t Leipzig einverstanden. Die Hinweise zum Datenschutz der Universit?t Leipzig habe ich gelesen und akzeptiere diese.

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