An overview of the doctoral researchers currently enrolled in the Brain Dynamics Graduate School


Brain Dynamics alumni

Dr Marius Lamberty
Research Group Pauls
Doctoral thesis "Vesicular interaction partners of the active zone scaffolding protein Bruchpilot" defended on 03.05.2024.
Next position: Postdoc at the Institute of Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University Leipzig.

Dr Alessandro Braga
Research Group Sch?nwiesner
Doctoral thesis "Cortical substrates of auditory predictive processing" defended on 09.02.2024.
Next position: postdoc at the ?cole de technologie supérieure, Université du Québec, Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Dr. Jannik Büttner 
Research Group Simon
Doctoral thesis "Pathophysiology of the sensory motor circuit in motor neuron diseases" defended on 28.11.2023.
Next position: internship at the Department of Neurological Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Dr. Grochow Thomas
Research Group Fietz
Doctoral thesis: "Establishment and validation of a guinea pig model for (human) congenital toxoplasmosis" defended on 05.09.2023.
Next position: postdoc at the Institute of Veterinary Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University Leipzig.

Dr. Anja Schulz
Research Group Richter
Doctoral thesis: "In vivo optogenetics study of the role of striatal parvalbumin-reactive interneurons in the pathophysiology of distonia" defended on 23.05.2023.
Next position: postdoc at the Institute of Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University Leipzig.

Dr. Anika Lüttig
Research Group Richter
Doctoral thesis "Brevican-Expression in Dystoniemodellen (dtsz Hamster, DYT1 Knock-in-Maus) und Einflüsse tiefer Hirnstimulationen" defended on 11.04.2023.
Next position: postdoc at the Institute of Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University Leipzig.

Dr. Philip Ruthig
Research Group Sch?nwiesner
Doctoral thesis "Lateral specializations of microanatomy in the mammalian auditory cortex" defended on 03.02.2023.
Next position: postdoc at the Paul Flechsig Institute of Brain Research, Medical Faulty, University Leipzig.

Dr. Ole Bialas
Research Group Sch?nwiesner
Doctoral thesis "An electroencephalographic investigation of the encoding of sound source elevation in the human cortex" defended on 09.12.2022.
Next position: postdoc at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Rochester, NY, USA.

Further reading

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