The Research Training Group 2721 on Hydrogen Isotopes, centred at Leipzig University and organised in close collabration with the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf / Research Site Leipzig and the Leibniz Institute for Surface Engineering in Leipzig, offers fourteen doctoral researcher (PhD student) positions. Each position is associated with a dedicated research project to obtain a doctorate in either chemistry or physics.

???H Recruiting Symposium, 18¨C20 June 2024

Are you aspiring for one of our funded doctoral researcher positions starting 1 October 2024? Then apply for participation in the 1,2,3H Recruiting Symposium held at Leipzig University from 18 to 20 June 2024. Explore your potential research home and get to know our principal investigators dedicated to training the brightest young minds.

Extended application deadline: 7 May 2024. (In case of unfilled slots, later applications may be considered.)

More about the ???H Recruiting Symposium

About the positions

  • Employment starts on 1 October 2024 for 36 months
  • The starting salary is typically higher than 1950 € per month after tax (and expected to be at least 2150 € from the second year) depending on qualification and family status and includes health insurance and social benefits according to the German labour law

Job Requirements

  • Highly qualified and highly motivated graduates, who will contribute to the diverse 1,2,3H research community and are interested in working in an interdisciplinary, multinational research environment
  • Master¡¯s degree (or equivalent) in chemistry, physics, materials science or in related areas either with a strong experimental/preparative or theoretical chemistry or physics background with excellent grades
  • Strong interest in interdisciplinary research 
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in the English language
  • Identification with the RTG¡¯s core values, namely excellence in research and qualification as well scientific integrity

What we offer

  • Cutting-edge doctoral research projects within the area of hydrogen isotope research
  • Each project is chaperoned by a thesis advisory committee consisting of (at least one) supervisor and a mentor from the pool of 1,2,3H¡¯s principal investigators
  • A dedicated supervision concept, including a supervision agreement, a personal development plan, and a research data management plan aimed at obtaining a doctorate within three years
  • An extended research stay at one of 1,2,3H¡¯s international partner institutions
  • A modern, interdisciplinary, and international working environment within one of Germany¡¯s most vibrant and fastest-growing cities


Please prepare a single pdf file containing 

  • a curriculum vitae,
  • a motivation letter (one page) specifying your reasons for joining this RTG to obtain a doctorate, which of the fourteen research projects you are interested most and why,
  • master/diploma certificate (with grades) in German or English, and
  • contact details of two persons for reference.

To apply for positions at Leipzig University, please send your application to the scientific coordinator via email. Details on how to apply for positions at HZDR will be published by early May.

Application deadline: 27 June 2024

Detailed description of
???H¡¯s research projects

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