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Do you need to contact an expert as part of your research? Would you like the opinion of a renowned scientist, a short statement or even an entire interview? A number of experts at Leipzig University will be happy to help you.

Your selection:
    Prof. Dr. Andreas Diekmann

    Prof. Dr. Andreas Diekmann

    Research Fields

    • Environment, environmental protection, ecology
    • Sociology


    Empirical social science studies on climate policy, environmental action, acceptance of climate and environmental policy

    Prof. Dr. Nico Eisenhauer

    Prof. Dr. Nico Eisenhauer

    Research Fields

    • Biology
    • Environment, environmental protection, ecology


    • Bedeutung von biologischer Vielfalt (Biodiversit?t) für das Funktionieren von ?kosystemen
    • ?kologische Funktionen des…
    Prof. Dr. Erik Gawel

    Prof. Dr. Erik Gawel

    Research Fields

    • Monetary policy, budgetary policy
    • Climate
    • Fiscal policy
    • Energy policy
    • Transport, transport policy
    • Environment, environmental protection, ecology
     Karen Ruth Sigrid Hamann

    Karen Ruth Sigrid Hamann

    Research Fields

    • Society
    • Climate
    • Psychology
    • Social psychology
    • Environment, environmental protection, ecology


    • Environmental psychology, particularly conservation psychology

    • Individual, collective, and participative efficacy

    • Collecti…

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    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Martin Christopher H?nsel

    Research Fields

    • Environment, environmental protection, ecology
    • Climate



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    Dr. Karsten Haustein

    Research Fields

    • Climate
    • Meteorology
    • Environment, environmental protection, ecology


    • Extreme Weather Event Attribution

    • Climate Science and Science communication

    Dr. Johannes Schmidt

    Dr. Johannes Schmidt

    Research Fields

    • Geography
    • Climate
    • Archaeology
    • Environment, environmental protection, ecology


    • Physical geography of Central Germany

    • Leipzig floodplain

    • Geoarchaeology

    • Sediments, soils and paleoclimatology

    • Environmental…

    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Sippel

    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Sippel

    Research Fields

    • Climate
    • Environment, environmental protection, ecology


    • Extreme weather events

    • Attribution

    • Climate variability and climate change

    • Impacts of climate variability and extreme events…

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    Dr. Marten Winter

    Research Fields

    • Biology
    • Environment, environmental protection, ecology


    • Biologische Invasionen / eingewanderte Arten
    • Muster der Biodiversit?t auf lokalen und globalen Skalen
    • Klimawandel
    Prof. Dr. Christian Wirth

    Prof. Dr. Christian Wirth

    Research Fields

    • Biology
    • Environment, environmental protection, ecology


    • Biodiversit?t und ?kosystemfunktionen
    • Funktionelle Diversit?t von Waldb?umen und W?ldern
    • Verbindung von…

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