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On Wednesday, 8 February 2024, a public ceremony was held at the Bibliotheca Albertina to celebrate ten years of American Space Leipzig. Speeches were given by the Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy, Woodward Clark Price, by the Rector of Leipzig University, Professor Eva Inés Obergfell, by Mayor Ulrich H?rning, and by the Director of Leipzig University Library (UBL), Dr Anne Lipp. The guests then all had a chance to talk.

Leipzig’s American Space was founded in 2013 by Professor Crister S. Garrett and Professor Ulrich J. Schneider as a collaboration between American Studies Leipzig at Leipzig University, the US Consulate in Leipzig and Leipzig University Library. It also gave rise to the German-American Institute Saxony (DAIS) in 2020, which celebrated its fourth anniversary at the event.

American Space Leipzig is the first and only centre of its kind in Central Germany. It provides a public platform for dialogue and exchange between the United States and Germany at the local level. There are already more than 800 American Space centres in almost 170 countries around the world.

In Germany, the network consists of ten institutions. American Space Leipzig is based at the UBL and is coordinated by the DAIS. The role of the library is that of an information centre. The UBL’s extensive American Studies collection is constantly growing through the acquisition of new books, e-books and DVDs. In the library, and elsewhere if you are a member of the University, there are extensive online databases available for in-depth research on a wide range of subjects. Regular events as part of the UBL’s cultural programme promote direct discourse and complement the range of services on offer.